World Autism Day and Autism Acceptance Month

April 2 is World Autism Day and the month of April is Autism Acceptance Month. Autism is caused by differences in the brain. It is an example of neurodiversity. Over the course of the month of April, we will bring attention to the triumphs, contributions and experiences of people from the Autistic community. By fostering acceptance, we can build stronger and more inclusive communities and learning environments for students with Autism. 
We continue to move away from raising awareness for Autism to increasing acceptance. Awareness seeks to highlight how dissimilar we are and emphasizes the differences and distance between our ways of being. Acceptance looks at commonalities we share and at the strength inherent in diversity. 
Let us know how you are recognizing World Autism Acceptance Month! You can post autism acceptance messages using the hashtags #CelebrateDifferences and #AutismAcceptanceMonth on social media.