Talking to Youth About Vaping - For Families from York Region Public Health

There are many reasons why youth may start to use vapes. Friends may pressure others to start using vape products. Youth may see family members vape or smoke and imitate that behaviour. Additionally, the last few years may have been extraordinarily difficult for many youth and they may think that vapes and nicotine products will help them cope with stress.

Whether you are a parent, guardian or teacher, starting a discussion with your kids about vaping may not be easy but having the conversation early about drugs and experimenting is important so that youth can get the real facts.

Parents and Caregivers play an important role

The adolescent period is a time of critical growth and development making youth more susceptible to the effects of nicotine, the addictive substance found in many vapes. Nicotine can interfere with teenage brain development and can cause changes in the brain affecting learning, memory and concentration, making youth more susceptible to other substance misuse and risk-taking behaviours.

Some tips for starting a conversation about vapes and youth vaping include:

  • Get the facts about the health risks and laws around vaping before your talk – information and products change quickly so conversations should reflect the child’s growing maturity and the pressures they may face

  • Keep your talk informal and look for natural opportunities for discussion (e.g., a new vape store opens near you)

  • Ask questions and try to be empathetic about what they know and how they feel about vaping

  • Share some vaping facts with them

  • If their friends use vapes/e-cigarettes, disapprove of the use of these products rather than disapproving of the friends themselves

Remember: listening is just as important as talking.

For more information and tips about how to talk with youth, read Talking with your teen about vaping: a tip sheet for parents and visit Tobacco, Vaping And Youth.

When talking with youth about tobacco products and vaping, it is important to:

  • Understand tobacco and vaping from a youth’s point of view – youth understand the issue differently based on their developmental stage.

  • Talk about the tactics used by the tobacco industry to make tobacco and vaping appealing to youth. Explain how the industry tempts youth to buy tobacco products and/or engage in behaviours that might be harmful to their health.

  • Role play, practice and provide options about how to refuse tobacco products to help youth prepare for situations involving tobacco and vaping with their peers.

  • Equip youth with the information, skills and motivation they need to make informed and healthy choices.

  • Discuss vape-free laws so youth understand that it is illegal to sell or supply vapes to anyone under 19 years of age;= and that it is illegal to vape anywhere you can’t smoke cigarettes, including on or around school and community centre properties, among other places.

Quitting vaping/tobacco

Quitting vaping and/or tobacco is one of the best things you can do to improve your health. If you or someone you know needs help, call York Region Access York at 1-877-464-9675 TTY (for those with hearing disabilities) 1-866-512-6228 or email